Friday, April 2, 2010


Ok, there is Max and Rheese and my big sister Amanda but everyone calls her Mander. There is mom and dad my li'l bro Max and my li'l li'l sister Rheese but everyone calls her Rheese Pieces. Family they love you but can sometimes be mean when it comes to boys.

My sister and li'l bro say just keep trying, but then there is mom and dad who say he is ugly or find someone better than him. I was like you guys don't knoow what you are talking about because you guys are married and can't have crushes so they don't get it. But Rheese says nothing 'cause she can't talk! So she was no help.

Boys Club News

Ok , so alot of girls like boys right? Well some. Some girls like smart boys or funny boys, cool boys, but most girls like strong boys. I now I do. But its not about how they look talk or do anything else. Its about their personality and a little on looks, but a whole lot on mind.

They should think right stuff like positive stuff. When someone is your guy they make you happy all the time when anything happens. They should always be nice to you unless you were mean to them first which girls should never do unless they wanna break up.

Keep dreaming and try to get your love or if you want just sit and watch. I told the guy i like that i like him and he said awsome in a really exited way so tell him and see what happens.